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Organisations go through change, whether due to restructuring, redundancies or bereavements and this more often than not, impacts on dynamics within the structure which can be challenging for individuals as well as the organisation as a whole.

Some members of staff leave while others develop survival mechanisms that do not serve themselves or their colleagues well. This can lead to communications that are fraught with anxieties.

Understanding these dynamics and helping people get to a point where they can once again think about their feelings and about how they interact with each other is at the heart of organisational therapy.

Psychodynamic theories make an important contribution: their emphasis on what can unconsciously pass between individuals is very significant. It can perhaps be better understood as an individual’s unconscious attempt to give the other an emotional experience for which they cannot find words.

If colleagues are not helped to understand this and how to express it in words, stresses can only unconsciously be conveyed through behaviour and they can be left feeling disillusioned and rejected.

Helping staff make sense of these experiences is central to what an organisational therapist does, as is understanding the dynamics of teams and organisations.

I offer

  • One-to-one consultation and individual supervision 

  • Reflective Practice Groups


Stress is a major cause of sickness absence in the workplace and affects individuals, their families and colleagues.

It also impacts on employers relating to sickness absence, replacement staff, lost production and increased risk of accidents.

Please contact me should you wish to discuss your organisation's needs or to find out more.

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