Ia Tollstam
I believe that in addition to what we are conscious of, there are aspects of ourselves that we are less conscious of and that this has an impact on us and our capacity to engage, and to enjoy relationships and life in general.
Psychoanalytic work aims to understand these aspects, provide the space to think more deeply about obstacles and help the person to feel relieved of distress in order to develop and grow. It involves discussing patterns of behaviour, families, relationships, memories and ideas, fantasies, dreams and significant events, with the hope of helping people understand something about what brought them to where they are today.
The psychotherapeutic space provides a safe, confidential and non-judgmental environment in which to reflect on those aspects of life that cause difficulties.
I have extensive experience of working with individuals from all walks of life, who have lived through very difficult experiences and mental health issues, as well as those who want a space to reflect on creative processes, making important decisions, relationship issues or explore choice.
I am a Registered and Accredited Member of The BACP -The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and hold a Senior Associate Membership with APPCIOS - The Association for Psychodynamic Practice and Counselling in Organisational Settings.
My Practice includes:
The aim of my psychotherapeutic practice is to provide an opportunity for you to work towards living in ways that you experience as more fulfilling and satisfying and to facilitate you in looking after your emotional health.
I offer sessions 1-3 times per week, both long term and time limited, for adults and young adults 18+
I offer consultations with organisations that go through change, whether due to restructuring, redundancies or bereavement. This includes helping staff make sense of these experiences and understanding the dynamics of teams and organisations.
I have many years experience of attending Critical Incidents in both public and private sector corporate organisations.
I use ‘Psychological First Aid’ interventions and assess need for further support for both businesses and individuals.
In this role I also support and hold consultations with managers in how they can best support staff.
I offer clinical supervision for other practicing therapists, including trainees and experienced counsellors and psychotherapists.